Thursday, May 19, 2011

Globe and Mail asks Grey team to represent Canada at the Cannes Lions - Young Lions competition

As Canada’s official Cannes representative, The Globe & Mail hosts an annual Young Lions pre-qualifying competition that is designed to simulate the conditions at Cannes.

The Globe & Mail's assignment was to create a TV commercial in 48 hours.  Liz and Amy had to create a conceptual idea, write the copy, film the spot, edit and submit it. ALL IN 48 HOURS.

The brief they were given was to create a commercial to promote the Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) which supports grassroots organizations working to turn the tide of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Since 2003, the SLF has funded more than 300 projects in 15 countries. The philosophy of the SLF is firmly rooted in the value of working with African efforts, with an understanding that if anyone can turn the tide of AIDS in Africa at the community level, it will be the experts found in the communities themselves.

As winners in their category, Liz and Amy have won a trip to Cannes Advertising Festival at the end of June where they will be the official representatives from Canada and compete against other Young Lions winners from around the world.

Here is a link to their winning entry. 
A simple yet powerful idea. Congratulations Amy and Liz! And wish you great success in the Cannes Young Lions event. Looking forward to hearing all about your exciting trip.

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