Friday, February 4, 2011

Inundated with stupidness - I just dont get this guy

In the last 2 weeks, at least once, sometimes twice a day I get an email generated from www(dot)colmwynne(dot)com.

Now it is very possible that I am naive to the ways of "evil virus spreaders" or "overwhelm them with info marketers." Or maybe there is something much much bigger behind Colm Wynne. His onslaught of contact attempts is connected to this blog as he seems to have found me and wants me to buy something he is selling. I am not 100% sure what it is but he will offer me a discount.

I never click on a link that he sends. Stupidly I do open the email which gives him an open rate. There is no way I am going to click to unsubscribe to confirm a real person at the other end of my email address. That could really open up a flood gate "oh, I've got a live one now!"

Lately I have been saving his email for the sheer curiosity of it all. I just don't understand this guys approach.

Maybe his strategy is clever. Inundate them with stupidness to spark curiosity. Keep sending them email until they reach the point of extreme curiosity and they will respond. And in that moment of weakness they will be most susceptible to the charms of Colm Wynne. Maybe his power of persuasion one-on-one is much too intense to resist. Maybe that is how he swoops in for the sell and locks up the deal. Better not to open myself up to that kind of charm.

This video on his website seems to indicate that he wants to help me make money online. That is indeed very nice of him.

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